Sunday, December 16, 2018

Fairy tales writen by the author of this project (Natasa Miljanovic, Serbia)

1. blog post: A fairy tale for the puppet show ("Bajkovita bajka");

2. blog post: A new age fairy tale for the puppet show ("Igračka plačka");
This is the song from the show, which was awarded in a childrens festival in Serbia.

3. blog post: A fairy tale about a famous poet in Serbia - Mošo Odalović ("O. M. A. Ž. Odaloviću Moši za Života") for a puppet show;

4. blog post: A religious fairy tale for a students drama show ("Postanimo narod božji");

5. blog post: A religious new age fairy tale for a students drama show ("Vaskršnja čarolija");

6. blog post: A fairy tale for the puppet or a drama show ("Komadić zavičaja");

7. blog post: A fairy tale for the drama show ("Magareće godine")

8. blog post: A fairy tale "Princ Ahat i smaragdni amarilis"  (illustrations: a student Zorana Topić)

9. blog post: A fairy tale: "Princ Ahat u kraljevstvu Sivonoge") (illustrations: a student Zorana Topić)

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