Autor: SOFIJA MILIĆEVIĆ, 5. razred
Vila Sandra
Bila jednom jedna vila Sandra. Ona je rođena u porodici zlih vila, ali ona nikada nije htela da bude zla. Pa nikada nije ni slušala majku kada joj je govorila da je u redu biti zao I nije joj verovala.
Postojala je I porodica dobrih vila. Jednom je Sandra sedela pored reke. Došla je vila iz dobre vilinske porodice I one su razgovarale, a Sandra joj je ispričala sve njene muke. Otada su se one sastajale kraj reke svakog dana.
Ove dve porodice bile su zakleti neprijatelji. Zle vile bile su obučene u crne haljine I sve na njima bilo je crno, kosa, oči, pa I nokti. A Sandra je uvek nosila bele ili šarene haljine, imala je dugu plavu kosu I divne plave oči. Uvek bi pomagala drugima I svi su je voleli, osim njene porodice. Majka joj je govorila kako je ona sramota za njihovu porodicu. Ali, šta god da su joj pričali, ona ih nije slušala, već je sledila svoj san – da bude dobra vila. Na kraju su je proterali iz njene porodice.
Ali njena drugarica nagovorila je sve da Sandru prime kod sebe I tako je ona živela sa njima srećno.
Fairy Sandra
There was once a fairy Sandra. She was born into a family of evil fairies, but she never wanted to be evil. Well, she never listened to her mother when she told her that it was okay to be evil, and she didn't believe her.
There was also a family of good fairies. Once Sandra was sitting by the river. A fairy from a good fairy family came and they talked, and Sandra told her all her troubles. Since then, they met by the river every day.
These two families were sworn enemies. The evil fairies were dressed in black dresses and everything on them was black, hair, eyes, and even nails. And Sandra always wore white or colorful dresses, she had long blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. She would always help others and everyone loved her, except her family. Her mother told her she was a disgrace to their family. But, whatever they told her, she did not listen to them, but followed her dream - to be a good fairy. She was expelled from her family.
But her friend persuaded everyone to take Sandra in. And so she lived happily with them.
Bila jednom tri zmaja: Vatreni, Munja I Dim. Trećeg su tako zvali jer je umesto vatre iz njegovih usta izlazio samo dim. Ostali zmajevi su ga maltretirali zbog toga.
Jednom je kralj zmajeva, Klark, pozvao sve zmajeve u pomoć da potraže njegovu izgubljenu ćerku Ešlin. Rekao je da će onaj ko pronađe njegovu kćer dobiti presto, krunu I njegovu kćer za ženu. I svi zmajevi su krenuli da je traže. Vatreni I Munja su se hvalili kako će je oni naći I niko drugi.
Zmaj Dim se mnogo trudio. Tako je palo I veče, a on je pronašao neki dvorac. U njemu je ugledao veliku zver I princezu. Pokušao je da otera zver, ali princeza mu je rekla da ona spava I da se teško budi. Dim je onda rekao da pobegne ona sa njim. Tada se zver probudila. Dunula je vatru, ali Dim je brzo izvukao mač I odsekao joj glavu.
Krenuo je sa princezom kući, kad sui h sreli Vatra I Munja. Oteli su mu princezu, a njega su zaključali u nekoj staroj štali. Odveli su princezu kralju zmajeva I tražili nagradu. Princeza Ešlin je uzviknula da nije istina da su je oni spasili. Kralj je bio iznenađen, a dva zmaja su tvrdila da ona nema dokaza za to što priča. I kralj je tražio da potvrdi svoju priču nekim dokazom. Onda je ona otrčala do stare štale u kojoj je zmaj Dim bio zatvoren, povela ga u dvorac I poneli su sa sobom odsečenu glavu zveri. Kralj se onda uverio I poklonio mu kćer za ženu.
Princeza I zmaj Dim živeli su srećno do kraja života.
There were once three dragons: Fire, Lightning and Smoke. They called the third one because instead of fire, only smoke came out of his mouth. The other dragons harassed him for it.
Once, the dragon's king, Clark, called on all the dragons to help him look for his lost daughter Ashlyn. He said that whoever finds his daughter will get a throne, a crown and his daughter for a wife. And all the dragons went looking for her. Fire and Lightning boasted that they would find her and no one else.
Dragon Smoke worked hard. So the evening fell, and he found a castle. He saw a great beast and a princess in it. He tried to drive away the beast, but the princess told him that she was asleep and that it was difficult to wake up. Smoke then told her to run away with him. Then the beast woke up. She blew out the fire, but Smoke quickly drew his sword and cut off her head.
He was on his way home with the princess, when they met Fire and Lightning. They kidnapped his princess and locked him in an old barn. They took the princess to the king of dragons and asked for a reward. Princess Ashlin exclaimed that it was not true that they had saved her. The king was surprised, and the two dragons claimed she had no evidence of what she was talking about. And the king sought to confirm his story with some evidence. Then she ran to the old barn where the dragon Smoke was imprisoned, took him to the castle and they took with them the severed head of the beast. The king then made sure and gave him a daughter for a wife.
The Princess and the Dragon Smoke lived happily until the end of life.
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